Friday, July 20, 2012

24 Days and Counting!!

First blog post! I'm going to make every effort to write at least twice a week while overseas!  I booked a direct flight from Newark to Edinburgh for August 13!  I have a huge, white posterboard taped to the back of my door that is serving as a ongoing packing list that I add to daily. I am so grateful for social networking tools that have allowed me to connect with current QMU students and other Rotary scholars..I've gotten lots of great advice!!
On Tuesday the 10th, I gave my first pre-departure presentation (public speaking..yikes!) at York East Rotary Club after spending a wonderful evening with my hosts Ben and Anne Hoover. Thursday the 26th I will be returning to York to present at two other clubs.  It has been great to meet so many Rotarians!
I received an email from my host Rotarians in Edinburgh, Ken and Jackie Grigor.  They seem lovely and I am looking forward to meeting them and their family! They have 3 daughters and are the proud grandparents of 8 :)
I'm getting uncontainably excited, but also wrestling with some nerves-  mostly about the first few days, when I won't know anyone and do not have a definite place to stay until I find a flat for the year! But anticipation of a great adventure is definitely overpowering nervousness!
24 days and counting,