Tuesday, December 18, 2012

There and back again

I arrived safely back in Edinburgh at 7AM yesterday (Monday) morning after a whirlwind two weeks in the US of A.  My flatmates surprised me with an early-morning sendoff, complete with hot chocolate, PB chocolate cookies, flowers and a very thoughtful card.  It made my week, and I couldn’t stop smiling the entire way to the airport! Unfortnately, I was not in the Lehigh Valley long enough to see many of the people I miss very much!   But it was so good to return home: hug my parents, defrost in front of the woodstove, exercise with Dad, play cards with Mom, eat my favorite American foods and sleep with my puppy.  After a terrific day at home (featuring a delicious birthday dinner: steaks w/mushrooms and onions, Mom’s famous Caesar salad, and pumpkin custard) I left for a mock interview at Gettysburg College to prepare for the 3 medical school interviews ahead.  I detoured through Baltimore on my way from Gettysburg out to the University of Pittsburgh, for a dose of American Football with fellow birthday girl Maggie:  Steelers over the Ravens 23-20 J I was lucky to spend two days leading up to my Pitt interview with Grama, Grampa, and Uncle Dave in Butler.  Grama was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer in September, but she has fought her way back to remarkable health.  I very much enjoyed spending time with her and the family, decorating for Christmas and chatting over British tea time! Pitt Med was impressive, a great program with lots of clinical opportunities and flexibility to individualize the 4-year curriculum.  After a full day of interviewing, I relaxed with Gettysburg pal Alex and my brother Jon at FatHeads (best sandwiches in PA).  I arrived back in Emmaus just long enough to unpack and repack before heading to Louisiana for an interview at Tulane University.  Alysha, celebrating her 25th birthday took off from work and joined me for a long weekend of sister time, exploring New Orleans together for the first time!  We did the French Quarter, Frenchman’s St, Bourbon Street, and the Warehouse district the first two days (complete with jazz music, Hurricanes, Hand Grenades, and delicious Cajun food) before enjoying a relaxing Sunday at the aquarium (petting stingrays, feeding parakeets), insectarium (we ate bugs! and walked through the butterfly garden), and IMAX.  I felt pretty good about my interview, which lasted all day Monday.  Tulane embraces a ‘work hard, play hard’ mentality, which has always been my personal motto.  We arrived home very early Tuesday morning, when Mom surprised me with a hotel room for both of us- she was driving down to Virginia with me for my final interview! VCOM is a fairly new, osteopathic college partnered with Virginia Tech.  I think this interview went the best (perhaps with two under my belt), and I was super impressed by the high-tech facilities and gorgeous anatomy lab.  All three programs were very unique, with different pros and cons to each.  I should hear back from all three schools by the end of January! I was so glad to be able to spend time with each member of my family while interviewing- they made it such a special trip home J

I spent last night and all day today working on an assessment that is due this Thursday (yikes!).  I registered for fiddle classes beginning in January, and I am off to a Christmas ceilidh tonight (work hard, play hard- always!)  Tomorrow Giulia, Susi and I are braving the ice rink for some Christmas ice skating!  I don’t have any fun new Scottish words this post…but I’m sure after Christmas with a Scottish family I’ll make up for it next week J Wishing all my friends and family at home a wonderful holiday and Happy New Year!  And to all the Pizor-Yoders:  as I’m not there to defend my title as reigning champion in the annual tournament, I guess I get to carry it through 2013?!