Monday, July 22, 2013

Last post :(

Back in the US of A! I am SO close to submitting my dissertation, breaking only to unpack and repack my suitcase for NO!!! I thought it was time for one last blog post before signing off! The last few weeks in Scotland were so incredible:  4th of July picnic, a weekend hashing in Musselburgh, three days in beautiful Oban on the West coast of Scotland with Jackie, Ken and family, T in the Park music festival, a great ceilidh, my final Rotary lunch and the BEST send off I could ever have imagined:  a sunny BBQ in the Meadows with my 20 closest friends (including a surprise visit from Giulia!) that carried on until my 7 AM train left Edinburgh!

This past year may have been the best of my life, full of wonderful people, beautiful places and new adventures.  I am so grateful to the Rotary clubs of Edinburgh and Gettysburg for making it possible, and to my host family in Scotland! I will be reaching out to local Rotary clubs, but welcome emails from any clubs interested in hearing more about this experience to Thank you to friends, family and Rotarians for following me this year! CHEERS!