Sunday, November 25, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Apologies for the long delay since my last post!  I’m having trouble with my computer staying on longer than 5 minutes before ‘blacking out’.  I didn’t realize how reliant I was on my laptop until it stopped working!! 
Scotland vs All Blacks scrum
Scotland got crushed by the All Blacks last last Sunday, but the game was AWESOME! My flatmate Giulia celebrated her 23rd birthday on the 14th and I got another lesson in Italian cooking with Susanna while we made her birthday feast J I spoke at the Inner Wheel Club on Saturday the 17th, which is an all ladies group associated with, yet independent from Rotary. I got to join ladies from around the whole district for coffee before their quarterly meeting..they’re doing really great work, and have just proactively opened up membership to women not affiliated with Rotary (previously, members were wives of Rotarians but with increased participation of women in Rotary, this membership pool is quickly dwindling!) Saturday night, I had the treat of seeing Jackie’s choir (Edinburgh Royal Choir Union) perform at St. Cuthbert’s Church.  They compiled a unique progression, beginning with a Stravinsky Mass, followed by a Mozart Wind serenade, and concluding with a powerful Bruckner Mass.  Jackie was in her element- and it was really great to see her doing something she is so passionate about! Last weekend, Edinburgh hosted a fiddle festival Friday-Sunday.  I went to a ‘Try the Fiddle’ session on Sunday afternoon, and decided at its conclusion to enroll in weekly fiddle classes beginning in January! Whoa!! Tuesday was the best Ceilidh yet, and for the first time Susanna joined me and LOVED it…I think I have a convert! But the highlight of this past week was sharing in my favorite American tradition with my flatmates and friends.  Caitlin, Stevie and I collaborated on the making of Thanksgiving dinner for our flatmates:  turkey and stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin and grasshopper pie. Cait and Stevie sang Thanksgiving songs (why don’t we have one Yoders?), we told the Thanksgiving story, and went round table sharing what we are most thankful for! It was the hardest day yet to not be home, since TG is such a special day in my family..but I was very ‘thankful’ for skype to be able to see family and guests! 
Thanksgiving in Edinburgh!
After a great weekend, I’m heading into a final week of classes before FLYING HOME on Friday! I’ll be turning 23 in Emmaus, Pennsylvania before heading cross state to spend time with my grandparents and interview at University of Pitt School of Medicine! Alysha and I leave on the 7th for New Orleans where we’ll celebrate her birthday and enjoy some quality sister time before my interview at Tulane on the 10th.  I’ll be flying back on December 16th to spend Christmas and world-famous Hogmanay in Edinburgh.  The city is magical right now, with a ferris wheel and ice skating rink newly added to Princes Street, lights, decorations…it is stunning!
First Gaelic vocabulary:  Sláinte (which literally translates to ‘health’) is used as ‘cheers’!

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