Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Best Wishes and Big Congratulations!

Happy Birthday to my Popop today! A big congratulations to Erik and Carissa Emery on their wedding this past weekend! And I will be thinking about my good friend Paul as he ties the knot THIS weekend! Its tough not being home for these big days in friends and families lives- but I am there in thought and send best wishes from overseas!
I am very busy with my coursework right now but VERY MUCH enjoying my classes.  Today was full of particularly stimulating discussions:  my Global Health and Social Policy class was examining healthcare and health policy through a social constructionalist lens.  It was debating the foundational basis of biomedical research, study, and application.  I reached the point in lecture where I could physically feel my brain muscle stretching, trying to encorporate such new perspective.  This is a much welcome sensation, my favorite part about learning and academia!  I'm being challenged, and I keep thinking that this year of study is going to be so invaluable and complementary to my (hopeful) pursuit of medicine. 
Speaking of medical school, I have heard back from two of the schools I applied to.  Boston University declined to offer an invitation to interview while Univ of Pitt has extended an invitation.  This interview has been scheduled for December 5, but I am trying to hold out on purchasing a ticket home until I hear back from other schools!
Just a short post for now- I am going to the check out the first 'training' for the QMU volleyball team shortly.  I'm debating joining the team, but not sure yet...cheers!

1 comment:

Amanda Huck said...

Congratulations!!!!! :) So Exciting! We need to skpye soon!! Miss you and i LOVE all your stories and adventures!!