Sunday, September 16, 2012

Big News...

VERY exciting conversation with Dr. Robert Zinser yesterday.  I got to hear more about Rotary's collaborative Maternal Health project in Nigeria, and how the project is continuing to expand!  He shared with me the great need for a 'universal language' to be developed amidst the international community surrounding FAMILY PLANNING:  a necessity to decrease maternal and infant mortality rates globally.  I will be meeting with my professors at QMU this week to see if I can steer my research in this direction, and coauthor (with Dr. Zinser) a dissertation that would make a very important impact in my field! The timing is perfect, as both Britain and the USA (through the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation) have just pledged significant funding towards MDG 4&5.  I have been exploring current publications in this area for a specfic project/topic to gear my efforts towards, and yesterdays phone conversation may well have layed the foundation for this year!  This opportunity is a seemingly perfect collaboration between my academic interests, service with Rotary, and passion to empower women worldwide.  Fingers crossed that I get support from my academic department this upcoming week to pursue this project- I'm incredibly excited about the prospect!

1 comment:

Jon said...

Wow. Sounds crazy. Skype me I'll be up till 2 tonight so you better get on.