Friday, April 19, 2013


I submitted my last paper TODAY which means I'm ABD (all but dissertation) done with my Master's!  WOW- what an experience its been!
We're DONE!! IIHD end-of-term celebration!

More celebrating...craft beer at BrewDog

Susi is returning from Italy tomorrow with her Mom. I'm cooking American dinner- I had planned to make my Mom's famous chicken spaghetti until Jaime pointed out how 'confident' it was to cook pasta for Italian guests.  Point taken, and I've opted for my great Aunt Dots chicken salad instead! I've realized how fortunate and happy I am to live in a 'heavy traffic' flat, that is always full of visitors and friends.  The frequent visitors have become pseudo-flatmates..and when anyone goes away for a few days, its really noticable that they're missing! Susi and 'adopted' flatmate Alberto were both out of the country this week..the flat is quieter- we've really missed them!

Lots to celebrate recently:  taught classes have finished for all of 1 Rankeillor, Jaime celebrated his 27th birthday on the 10th, his cousin Pablo's birthday was on the 13th.  Nancy (Pete's mom) came to Edinburgh with a tour group and I got to spend the better part of two days with her in Edinburgh.  Ive found a part-time job waitressing at an Indian restaurant just down the street. And Edinburgh Rotary Club (and Rotary scholars!) was hosted by the Lord Provost of Edinburgh in the City Chambers, in honor of the club's centenary year.
Keys to the City of Edinburgh

The Lord Provost and President Bob at Rotary Centenery
Giulia is leaving at the beginning of May (if I'm unsuccessful at stealing her plane tickets) and we've been talking a lot about Edinburgh, our best memories, things we're going to miss most...Today on a walk along the Water of Leith, we came across Dean Village, an old milling town-  and I've decided on my favorite part about Edinburgh.  The city centre is charming, cosmopolitan, and has views so beautiful it still takes my breath away 8 months later.  Theres always lots going on, and plenty to do...but if I want to escape city life, in just 5 I can be on the harbor, enjoying the coasts of Leith, North Berwick, Musselburgh or walking down the Portobello boardwalk.  Another direction is an escape to the Pentland Hills, a hike up Arthur's seat, or a climb along Salisbury Crag.  There is no shortage of beautiful walks, parks, ponds, hills- and this combination of city and nature makes Edinburgh so special to me. 8 months later, I'm still 'stumbling upon' new beauties like Dean Village. 

Dean Village
SCOTLAND BIT:  I was at the BEST ceilidh YET last Friday.  The band, The Big Shoogle, was so great (yes, we ceilidhed to Pink Floyd!)  I finally got round to taking a video to share this WONDERFUL Scottish tradition:

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