Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sunny Scotland!

When it's sunny in Scotland..
The first weeks of June in Edinburgh were beautiful, with the sun shining from 4 AM until 11 PM! On sunny days, the Meadows and Holyrood Park flood with people (see the sign above, made me laugh).  After wrestling a lot with the decision, I decided not to travel to Nigeria, and to spend my final month in Scotland (just one month left?!?!?)  I will be flying home to the USA on July 21st, unpacking and repacking to drive to New Orleans on July 23rd. 
It NEVER gets old!

I completed my Rotary service project on July 16th, abseiling from the Forth Rail Bridge to raise money for Maggie's Centre. I took the drop just after the oldest participant (80 years old!) WHAT A VIEW of the Firth of Forth and South Queensferry! I

Forth Motor and Rail Bridges (I dropped from the right)
Just let go... 

I just got back to Edinburgh yesterday after 4 days in the US.  My best friend from high school got married, and I wouldn't have missed the wedding for anything.  The wedding and the bride were both beautiful, and I couldn't be happier for the pair of them!
'Dollar Dance' with Mrs. Melissa McIntosh
Drafts are completed of my dissertation introduction and chapters 1-3...almost there!!! The International Film Festival is going to be my distraction this week :)

Scottish phrase:  The 'Edinburgh trade' is fast approaching- the name for the typical holiday period marked by the first two weeks of July!

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