Friday, June 7, 2013

The MONTH of May!

THE MONTH OF MAY was a nonstop, unbelievable holiday.  On May 6, Susi, Jaime, Giulia, Narciso and I flew into Malaga to begin an 8 day trip in Spain!  Narciso’s brother picked us up and brought us to his hometown of Martin de la Jara.  The next 4 days were spent exploring Sevilla, Granada, and Cordoba heading back to Narci’s each night for dinner with his fantastic family and friends! We spent the next two days in Madrid, where we met Jaime’s sister.  The final two days were spent in Murcia (Jaime’s hometown!) with a day trip to La Manga for a swim in the Mediterranean! 

The site highlights for me were the Plaza Espana in Sevilla, the Alhambra in Granada, and the Cathedrals in Cordoba and Murcia (pictures below!).  And of course...tapeando the afternoon away (little plates of food and a beer or tinto to enjoy in the sun) :) Every city we went to, there was a huge festival going on! It was so neat to see the local dress, dance, music, traditions and food that accompanied each! We were so spoiled, by the greatest hosts and hostesses in the world; meeting Narci and Jaime’s friends a families was easily the best part of the trip, as well as getting a glimpse of their childhood and hometowns.

The day after returning from Spain, Alysha flew into Edinburgh and was welcomed with a phenomenal Spanish/Italian dinner made by Jaime and Susi! Early the next morning, we flew to Rome with Caitlin! We spent two days exploring, for me, the capital of capitals (not to say that it was my favorite capital, but it was overwhelmingly impressive!) The Coloseum, Vatican City, and SO MANY huge monuments, fountains and buildings..I’ll remember Rome for it’s antiquity and history, and the feeling of standing in a historical center of the world and feeling SO small and insignificant.

Giulia joined us in Rome and together we drove to the Amalfi coast.  We stayed in a villa in Scala, a tiny town that became our town J  We had two dogs that came to our door every morning, were waiting at home every evening, and had to be drug out of the house when we went to bed! Scala was right next to the larger and better-known Ravello.  We explored the beaches and towns of Minori, Amalfi, and Positano (my favorite- took a ferry ride from home and the views of the coast were incredible!) We also took day trips to Paestum (Greek temples!) and Naples (yes, the best mozzarella and pizza I have ever had in my life but also the most chaotic, dangerous drivers I’ve ever seen.)  Our last night was a pretty incredible lightening storm over the coast (check out Alysha’s picture below!).

The morning after returning from Italy, my parents flew in to Edinburgh!  Ken picked us all up at the airport and we drove together up to Jackie and Ken’s cottage in the Highlands! Dad was in heaven, and we spent the weekend hiking and enjoying sunshine- a beautiful day in the Highlands is perhaps more stunning than anywhere else! We came back to Edinburgh for Jackie’s choir concert (Mom’s turn to be in heaven!)  The following week, Mom, Dad and Alysha experienced my favorites of Edinburgh- the views of Arthur’s seat, Blackford Hill and Carlton Hill, ceilidhed the night away, Pub Quiz, a big dinner with my flatmates and friends, the coasts of Musselburgh and Portobello, Water of Leith Walkway, Botanical Gardens, and Rotary fellowship at the New Club…they may have gone home more tired than they came! First time for me to the Palace at Hollyrood, the Meadows festival and [possibly the highlight of the trip] two days together on the Isle of Arran, off the West Coast of Scotland.  It deserves its name ‘Scotland in miniature’.  Dad and I summitted Goatfell, we saw the standing stones, giant’s graves, Brodick Palace and Kings caves.  Alysha took some stunning pictures, and we spent the night in Lochranza with ice cream from the Arran creamery, watching the local Red Deer. Dad, Mom, Jackie and I celebrated Mom’s 54th birthday together with a trip to Inverary Castle, which was my favorite yet! The drive through Loch Lomond was beautiful, and we hit the gardens behind the castle at the perfect time (THOUSANDS of colors!)

Mom and Dad left yesterday, and after a very enjoyable day with Rotary (the Washington DC club is visiting!) and an incredible tour of the Royal Mile with Edinburgh Rotarian Jack Aitken, harsh reality began to set in:  over 200 emails, the first two chapters of my dissertation are due, and lots of paper work for Tulane waiting.  But the last month has been a highlight of the year- to know Spain and another part of Italy, and most of all to share and explore this amazing city and country with my family! Like me, they’ve fallen in love with Scotland, with Edinburgh, and with the lovely Scots!!

Cordoba Cathedral

Patio Festival in Cordoba

Ferria in Sevilla



Cathedral in Murcia

Plaza Espana in Sevilla

With Narci and family in Martin de la Jara

Granda..a tapaer!

Alhambra in Granada

Flamenco dress-up!

Lightening storm from villa in Scala

Sistine Chapel in Vatican City

Colosseum in Rome

Italian ice cream sandwich..

Cait at Minori beach

Villa Cibrone in Ravello

Love at first sight..

Approaching Positano

The only time we had pizza...

Red Deer @ Lochranza

Sunset @ Lochranza


Jackie and I at Inverary

Top of Goatfell

Carlton Hill with Arthur's seat backdrop
Scottish bit:  Knowling a few handy Scottish words help to understand a bit about where you are in Scotland.  For example, Ben (mountain or hill), Brae (hill or slope), Drum (narrow ridge) or Strath (river valley).  Ben Nevis, Drum Brae, Strath Clyde are names which describe their nature!

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