Monday, July 22, 2013

Last post :(

Back in the US of A! I am SO close to submitting my dissertation, breaking only to unpack and repack my suitcase for NO!!! I thought it was time for one last blog post before signing off! The last few weeks in Scotland were so incredible:  4th of July picnic, a weekend hashing in Musselburgh, three days in beautiful Oban on the West coast of Scotland with Jackie, Ken and family, T in the Park music festival, a great ceilidh, my final Rotary lunch and the BEST send off I could ever have imagined:  a sunny BBQ in the Meadows with my 20 closest friends (including a surprise visit from Giulia!) that carried on until my 7 AM train left Edinburgh!

This past year may have been the best of my life, full of wonderful people, beautiful places and new adventures.  I am so grateful to the Rotary clubs of Edinburgh and Gettysburg for making it possible, and to my host family in Scotland! I will be reaching out to local Rotary clubs, but welcome emails from any clubs interested in hearing more about this experience to Thank you to friends, family and Rotarians for following me this year! CHEERS!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sunny Scotland!

When it's sunny in Scotland..
The first weeks of June in Edinburgh were beautiful, with the sun shining from 4 AM until 11 PM! On sunny days, the Meadows and Holyrood Park flood with people (see the sign above, made me laugh).  After wrestling a lot with the decision, I decided not to travel to Nigeria, and to spend my final month in Scotland (just one month left?!?!?)  I will be flying home to the USA on July 21st, unpacking and repacking to drive to New Orleans on July 23rd. 
It NEVER gets old!

I completed my Rotary service project on July 16th, abseiling from the Forth Rail Bridge to raise money for Maggie's Centre. I took the drop just after the oldest participant (80 years old!) WHAT A VIEW of the Firth of Forth and South Queensferry! I

Forth Motor and Rail Bridges (I dropped from the right)
Just let go... 

I just got back to Edinburgh yesterday after 4 days in the US.  My best friend from high school got married, and I wouldn't have missed the wedding for anything.  The wedding and the bride were both beautiful, and I couldn't be happier for the pair of them!
'Dollar Dance' with Mrs. Melissa McIntosh
Drafts are completed of my dissertation introduction and chapters 1-3...almost there!!! The International Film Festival is going to be my distraction this week :)

Scottish phrase:  The 'Edinburgh trade' is fast approaching- the name for the typical holiday period marked by the first two weeks of July!

Friday, June 7, 2013

The MONTH of May!

THE MONTH OF MAY was a nonstop, unbelievable holiday.  On May 6, Susi, Jaime, Giulia, Narciso and I flew into Malaga to begin an 8 day trip in Spain!  Narciso’s brother picked us up and brought us to his hometown of Martin de la Jara.  The next 4 days were spent exploring Sevilla, Granada, and Cordoba heading back to Narci’s each night for dinner with his fantastic family and friends! We spent the next two days in Madrid, where we met Jaime’s sister.  The final two days were spent in Murcia (Jaime’s hometown!) with a day trip to La Manga for a swim in the Mediterranean! 

The site highlights for me were the Plaza Espana in Sevilla, the Alhambra in Granada, and the Cathedrals in Cordoba and Murcia (pictures below!).  And of course...tapeando the afternoon away (little plates of food and a beer or tinto to enjoy in the sun) :) Every city we went to, there was a huge festival going on! It was so neat to see the local dress, dance, music, traditions and food that accompanied each! We were so spoiled, by the greatest hosts and hostesses in the world; meeting Narci and Jaime’s friends a families was easily the best part of the trip, as well as getting a glimpse of their childhood and hometowns.

The day after returning from Spain, Alysha flew into Edinburgh and was welcomed with a phenomenal Spanish/Italian dinner made by Jaime and Susi! Early the next morning, we flew to Rome with Caitlin! We spent two days exploring, for me, the capital of capitals (not to say that it was my favorite capital, but it was overwhelmingly impressive!) The Coloseum, Vatican City, and SO MANY huge monuments, fountains and buildings..I’ll remember Rome for it’s antiquity and history, and the feeling of standing in a historical center of the world and feeling SO small and insignificant.

Giulia joined us in Rome and together we drove to the Amalfi coast.  We stayed in a villa in Scala, a tiny town that became our town J  We had two dogs that came to our door every morning, were waiting at home every evening, and had to be drug out of the house when we went to bed! Scala was right next to the larger and better-known Ravello.  We explored the beaches and towns of Minori, Amalfi, and Positano (my favorite- took a ferry ride from home and the views of the coast were incredible!) We also took day trips to Paestum (Greek temples!) and Naples (yes, the best mozzarella and pizza I have ever had in my life but also the most chaotic, dangerous drivers I’ve ever seen.)  Our last night was a pretty incredible lightening storm over the coast (check out Alysha’s picture below!).

The morning after returning from Italy, my parents flew in to Edinburgh!  Ken picked us all up at the airport and we drove together up to Jackie and Ken’s cottage in the Highlands! Dad was in heaven, and we spent the weekend hiking and enjoying sunshine- a beautiful day in the Highlands is perhaps more stunning than anywhere else! We came back to Edinburgh for Jackie’s choir concert (Mom’s turn to be in heaven!)  The following week, Mom, Dad and Alysha experienced my favorites of Edinburgh- the views of Arthur’s seat, Blackford Hill and Carlton Hill, ceilidhed the night away, Pub Quiz, a big dinner with my flatmates and friends, the coasts of Musselburgh and Portobello, Water of Leith Walkway, Botanical Gardens, and Rotary fellowship at the New Club…they may have gone home more tired than they came! First time for me to the Palace at Hollyrood, the Meadows festival and [possibly the highlight of the trip] two days together on the Isle of Arran, off the West Coast of Scotland.  It deserves its name ‘Scotland in miniature’.  Dad and I summitted Goatfell, we saw the standing stones, giant’s graves, Brodick Palace and Kings caves.  Alysha took some stunning pictures, and we spent the night in Lochranza with ice cream from the Arran creamery, watching the local Red Deer. Dad, Mom, Jackie and I celebrated Mom’s 54th birthday together with a trip to Inverary Castle, which was my favorite yet! The drive through Loch Lomond was beautiful, and we hit the gardens behind the castle at the perfect time (THOUSANDS of colors!)

Mom and Dad left yesterday, and after a very enjoyable day with Rotary (the Washington DC club is visiting!) and an incredible tour of the Royal Mile with Edinburgh Rotarian Jack Aitken, harsh reality began to set in:  over 200 emails, the first two chapters of my dissertation are due, and lots of paper work for Tulane waiting.  But the last month has been a highlight of the year- to know Spain and another part of Italy, and most of all to share and explore this amazing city and country with my family! Like me, they’ve fallen in love with Scotland, with Edinburgh, and with the lovely Scots!!

Cordoba Cathedral

Patio Festival in Cordoba

Ferria in Sevilla



Cathedral in Murcia

Plaza Espana in Sevilla

With Narci and family in Martin de la Jara

Granda..a tapaer!

Alhambra in Granada

Flamenco dress-up!

Lightening storm from villa in Scala

Sistine Chapel in Vatican City

Colosseum in Rome

Italian ice cream sandwich..

Cait at Minori beach

Villa Cibrone in Ravello

Love at first sight..

Approaching Positano

The only time we had pizza...

Red Deer @ Lochranza

Sunset @ Lochranza


Jackie and I at Inverary

Top of Goatfell

Carlton Hill with Arthur's seat backdrop
Scottish bit:  Knowling a few handy Scottish words help to understand a bit about where you are in Scotland.  For example, Ben (mountain or hill), Brae (hill or slope), Drum (narrow ridge) or Strath (river valley).  Ben Nevis, Drum Brae, Strath Clyde are names which describe their nature!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Long days and longer readings

It's just before 9 and still bright outside! Looking forward to reaping the benefits of surviving a winter with 7 hours of daily light...I prefer this season of Scotland's latitude!

May is going to be one of the best, most exciting months of my life!  I will be in Spain with my flatmates from May 6-15.  Jaime is taking us to his hometown (Murcia) as well as Cordoba and Madrid. I CAN'T WAIT! We fly back on the 15th and my sister arrives in Edinburgh on the 16th.  On the 17th, Alysha, Caitlin and I are flying to ROME where we'll spend a couple days before meeting Giulia and driving down to Naples and spending a week at the seaside! We'll fly back together on the 23rd to Edinburgh where Mom and Dad are joining us on the 24th- then it's up to the Highlands with Jackie and Ken for a few days before returning to Edinburgh for Jackie's choir concert and TWO WEEKS of Scottish adventures! I have a list that grows daily of things to see, hikes to take, day trips etc.  I can't wait to show my family the city that has become so near and dear!

BUT knowing that all of that is ahead, my days have been spent entirely in my room or the library:  reading, reading, reading and starting to get an outline together as my dissertation takes form! Back to the books...

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Next stop- New Orleans!

I've accepted the offer to attend Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans, Louisiana for medical school.  CLASS OF 2017!! I'm so grateful for this opportunity, and thankful to my parents, family, mentors and friends that lent ears, offered unwavering support, and encouraged this dream into a reality!

Friday, April 19, 2013


I submitted my last paper TODAY which means I'm ABD (all but dissertation) done with my Master's!  WOW- what an experience its been!
We're DONE!! IIHD end-of-term celebration!

More celebrating...craft beer at BrewDog

Susi is returning from Italy tomorrow with her Mom. I'm cooking American dinner- I had planned to make my Mom's famous chicken spaghetti until Jaime pointed out how 'confident' it was to cook pasta for Italian guests.  Point taken, and I've opted for my great Aunt Dots chicken salad instead! I've realized how fortunate and happy I am to live in a 'heavy traffic' flat, that is always full of visitors and friends.  The frequent visitors have become pseudo-flatmates..and when anyone goes away for a few days, its really noticable that they're missing! Susi and 'adopted' flatmate Alberto were both out of the country this week..the flat is quieter- we've really missed them!

Lots to celebrate recently:  taught classes have finished for all of 1 Rankeillor, Jaime celebrated his 27th birthday on the 10th, his cousin Pablo's birthday was on the 13th.  Nancy (Pete's mom) came to Edinburgh with a tour group and I got to spend the better part of two days with her in Edinburgh.  Ive found a part-time job waitressing at an Indian restaurant just down the street. And Edinburgh Rotary Club (and Rotary scholars!) was hosted by the Lord Provost of Edinburgh in the City Chambers, in honor of the club's centenary year.
Keys to the City of Edinburgh

The Lord Provost and President Bob at Rotary Centenery
Giulia is leaving at the beginning of May (if I'm unsuccessful at stealing her plane tickets) and we've been talking a lot about Edinburgh, our best memories, things we're going to miss most...Today on a walk along the Water of Leith, we came across Dean Village, an old milling town-  and I've decided on my favorite part about Edinburgh.  The city centre is charming, cosmopolitan, and has views so beautiful it still takes my breath away 8 months later.  Theres always lots going on, and plenty to do...but if I want to escape city life, in just 5 I can be on the harbor, enjoying the coasts of Leith, North Berwick, Musselburgh or walking down the Portobello boardwalk.  Another direction is an escape to the Pentland Hills, a hike up Arthur's seat, or a climb along Salisbury Crag.  There is no shortage of beautiful walks, parks, ponds, hills- and this combination of city and nature makes Edinburgh so special to me. 8 months later, I'm still 'stumbling upon' new beauties like Dean Village. 

Dean Village
SCOTLAND BIT:  I was at the BEST ceilidh YET last Friday.  The band, The Big Shoogle, was so great (yes, we ceilidhed to Pink Floyd!)  I finally got round to taking a video to share this WONDERFUL Scottish tradition:

Friday, April 5, 2013


My flatmates and I got tatted together on Wednesday- the skyline of Edinburgh!  Mine is on my right foot- it didn't hurt near as bad as I thought it would and only took about 15 minutes! The skyline from right to left is Carlton Hill, the Scott monument, the Balmoral, and Edinburgh Castle. We went up to Carlton Hill afterwards and soaked in some Scottish sunshine.  I'm happy to have a permanent reminder of this year- I know I'll look down and smile :)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happy Easter!

Alyssa's visit to Edinburgh was really was wonderful to spend time with a lifelong friend and share my experience in Scotland with her! Also, as my first visitor, it was a good excuse to do some touristy bits around the city! We went to Edinburgh Castle to see the 1 o'clock gun (fired every day at 1), the Crown Jewels, and War Memorial Museum.  We also went into St. Margaret's Chapel (dating 12th c.) making it the oldest building on-site and the only one not destroyed in Sir Thomas Randolph's siege of 1314! There is so much to see at the castle..we only left because they were closing!

The 1 o'clock gun

St. Margaret's Chapel

We also went on a ghost tour, and were a bit overwhelmed by the number of options! We chose one, but it then sold out- but on our way home (figuring we'd give it another go tmrw) we joined a tour that was just beginning, which ended up being a great choice and really interesting. My perception was that ghost tours were kind of lame- people jumping out at you in costume, fictional ghost stories etc. But it ended up being one of my favorite things that we did! Our tour guide, Pete, was a very knowledgable historian...we learned quite a bit about the darkest times of Scottish history, and went to see a collection of torcher devices from 15-17th c (nothing more terrifying than some of the things human beings have done to each other). We then went to the South Bridge underground vaults- historically home to the homeless, murder, disease, and pitch black darkness. Haunted and creepy. 
Torcher Devices

Alyssa left on Sunday, and Monday began my last week of taught classes! My sexual and reproductive health class did a field visit to Caledonian Youth Centre, which provides youth-friendly sexual health services here in Edinburgh.  Scotland is a global leader in sexual healthcare (all free of charge) and so much of my coursework has focused on developing countries of Africa and Southeast Asia that it was a nice contrast to learn about services here in the UK.

I visited two Rotary clubs this week.  On Tuesday, I went to Linlithgow and Bo'ness where  I was hosted by the Jamieson's whom I met over Christmas.  After the lunchtime talk, Bruce (who is a historian) gave me the best, most informative tour of Linlithgow palace.  We walked around town and stopped in the Four Mary's for a 'pre-dinner dram' where I met his minister who happens to be a Barclay (my grandmother's surname!) We bonded over discussing how terrible the family tartan is (bright yellow!) and the possibility that we may share similar ancestry way back when...neat stuff! We had a wonderful dinner before some friends joined for drinks and conversation late into the night!  Such a neat little town full of wonderful, friendly people-I couldn't stop smiling the whole train journey home the following morning :)
Linlithgow Palace
Like Thanksgiving and Christmas, Easter was a tough day to be away from family.  Alysha was good to send lots of photos throughout the weekend, to keep me posted on the family Easter egg hunt, egg dying, and Aunt Nan sharing her famous chocolate eggs.  I decided to try and make said eggs to share with my flatmates and friends during our Easter lunch.  If it is possible to mess up chocolate, sugar and peanuts- I did it...they tasted OK but looked terrible!
Aunt Nan's eggs
My "eggs"
Missing Easter in PA
My last class was on FRIDAY and since then, the IIHD students have been social butterflies! Drinks in the Union on Friday to celebrate our last class, followed by a night out on the town.  We had a celebratory social on Saturday, and last night our SRH module coordinator had us all round to her house for Indian dinner! DELICIOUS food followed by Bollywood and African dancing :)  Tonight (Tuesday) is the IIHD end-of-year party...I'm really looking forward to it!

Today I bought a kilt...FINALLY!

Fun Fact:  On Easter Monday in the UK, many families participate in 'Egg Rolling'.  Hard-boiled, decorate eggs are rolled down a hill, the winner being the one whose egg goes furthest or lasts the longest.  In Edinburgh, Arthur's seat in Hollyrood Park is the most popular location to roll eggs! Some say the practice has become symbolic of rolling away the rock from Jesus Christ's tomb before his resurrection.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Alyssa and I are home in Edinburgh from our week in Copenhagen!

Day 1 (Wednesday):  Fantastic Italian dinner @ Ristorante Italiano.
Day 2:  Got to meet Yeager's FANTASTIC colleagues from Eitzen Chemical at St. Peters for lunch.  Had delicious open face sandwiches with pints of my favorite local brew (Tubourg) and Aquavit.  Spent the afternoon touring Carlsberg Brewery, followed by a night out to Wall Street Pub and dancing at Rust.
Day 3: Met up with Dr. Brandauer, my Gettysburg Anatomy Professor, at Panum in Rigshospitalet- the Health Sciences University at Copenhagen- where he is doing a year of research.  We had lunch and got a tour of his lab.  Picked Alyssa up from the airport and went straight to an FC Copenhagen game (vs AC Horsen).  The score was at 1-1 when Claudemir snuck in a game winner at the 90th minute...INSANE! Had phenomenol, unique, expensive cocktails @ Madame Chus!
Day 4:  Tourist day! Took the famous red bus tour around the city. Highlights were the Little Mermaid,  the parliament building (Christiansborg Palace- the old palace for royal family), Nyhavn with lunch in one of oldest buildings- Nyhavn 17, the Marble Church,  and Amalienborg Palace (current residence of royal family).
Day 5:  St Patricks Day! 3-legged bar crawl to the 5 Irish pubs in Copenhagen.  Lys, Yeager and I were scouting out a partner when one of the coordinators assured us he would find us not 1 but 3 lovely gentleman, and he made good on his promise.  I'm proud to say that my partner and I crossed first in just 14 minutes! On the way back, we stopped at Ben and Jerrys to check out the local flavors...I got two new Denmark exclusives:  Nordic Water Peace and Fairly Nuts!
Day 6:  Went to Freetown Christiania, an autonomous neighbourhood in Christianshavn (borough of Copenhagen).  Definitely worth a visit!! Yeager took us for samosas and schwarma for dinner!
Day 7:  Spent at Rosenborg Castle, impressive Dutch Renaissance architecture from the early 17th century.  A project of Christian IV, king of Denmark (1588-1648), Rosenborg was FULL of INCREDIBLE artwork, furniture, and of course, the crown jewels!

Photos from the week below :)

The Little Mermaid

Danish cuisine: open faced sandwiches!

Christianborg Palace

Carlsburg Horse!!

St. Patty's three legged race crew

Rosenborg Castle

Panorama of Amalienborg!